Welcome to Honeywood!

MGOur Upcoming Summer Event!!

Lilies in Bloom – July 21st – 11am to 4pm…. See more info under our Events page!

The nursery is open daily 9 am to 5 pm until the 3rd Sunday in September! Come out for a visit & see what’s happening!!

Some new happenings this year

Red Petunia1
Red Petunia

Our manager, Janie Denton is an amazing gardener & has started her greenhouse full of plants for Honeywood!! Our friend, Malcolm Jenkins has retired from Canadian Tire so this year we will acquire our annuals from our manager, Janie and the bulk will be coming from Alexander Greenhouse located in Holbein, SK, We are really looking forward to this new phase in our greenhouse plants.

Yes!! We have trees & shrubs available to purchase. Our first shipment arrived May 13th and we still have a good selection!

Yes! we have potted lilies & Perennials available to purchase anytime you come out for a visit. Make sure you pop into our gift shop….it has a lot of new & interesting items for you to take home as a souvenir!!

Janie offered a couple of workshops: The succulent potting one was May 14th and happy to say it was sold out! She did a cacti potting workshop and it also was a great success…. everyone attending had a fun time and got to go home with their own beautiful creation.

Cacti Pot
Cacti Pot
Succlulent pot 1
Succulent Pot


We look forward to seeing our old friends and new as we go into our 2024 season!!

Check out our Facebook page at:

Facebook @ Honeywood Heritage Nursery Inc

For updates & information!

Admission to Honeywood is Free except to our special events….donations however, are greatly appreciated.

School & Group tours please contact us at 306 -747-3307 to arrange a date for your visit!

‘Contact Us’ (honeywoodn8@gmail.com) for more information


26 thoughts on “Welcome to Honeywood!

    1. We are open daily 9am – 5pm until Sunday Sept 18, 2016 after that we work Monday to Friday 9 – 5 to get the nursery ready for winter. You are still welcome to visit during those hours.

    2. We are open daily from Saturday May 19th (May long weekend) until our A Touch of Autumn on Sunday Sept 16th….
      These hours & weekend dates are the same every year

    1. I’m sorry but we were never involved in the Thickwood Hills tour so I don’t know if it is still going. The 12-40 & Beyond tour in the Blaine Lake area is still going & I believe it is in July. If interested you could do a Google search as they have a website.

  1. Hi are you open everyday still or just Sunday’s? Do you have Lily’s called Good night , Rasperry Rhyme, and lollipop for sale .!

    1. Hello Betty, Yes we are open daily 9 am to 5 pm until our A Touch of Autumn on Sept. 17th
      We do have the lilies you listed but unfortunately they are not available at this time.

    1. Our first event this year is Artists in Bloom on June 24th 11:00 am to 5:00 pm.
      The Lilies in Bloom event is July 15th 11:00 am to 5:00 pm
      For more info please choose the Events tab on our website

  2. A few years ago, we attended a day at Honeywood Heritage Nursery , and we very much enjoyed it. There were tours , food, 50/50 , and many displays with lunch available.
    Is this day still offered ?
    I think it was called the Lily Festival ??
    If so, when is it ?
    Have a great weekend

    1. We still have our Lilies in Bloom event…. it is on July 15th this year. We try to keep the event similar each year with a few added artisans. This year the hours are 11:00 am to 5:00 pm & we now offer BBQ hamburgers etc all day.

  3. Hi!
    My sister is getting married this weekend and we were wondering if you guys would allow us to come take pictures?

    1. Sorry Chantel I did not get your message in time to reply re pictures. You would have been able to come out for wedding pictures.

    1. We do not sell food other than at our events. You are more than welcome to bring a picnic lunch to enjoy on the picnic tables or inside the house if needed.

  4. Do you have a catalogue of lilies for sale, can they be purchased online and when are they available?

      1. We do not have a catalogue…. but do plan to have a list of lilies available for sale by mid to late September. Please watch our Facebook page for this list.

    1. We are sorry Sandy but we do not have peonies for sale this fall. We will have some once we open again in the spring. Please email us then. Thanks

    1. We do have our location marked in the Maps tab… we are located off of Hwy 40 approx 120 km North of Saskatoon and 70 km West & South of Prince Albert

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